4EU+ online seminars on "Security, Privacy, and Data Protection" |
Security aspects in dynamic software architectures |
27 January 2022 Link to online seminars: Zoom |
Abstract |
The talk will focus on access control in software architecture models. It will provide a background at architectural modeling in both static and dynamic architectural models and will overview how the access control can be specified and connected with the software architecture. The emphasis will be on architectures of dynamically evolving systems, which include nowadays modern highly distributed smart system, e.g., Industry 4.0, smart mobility, etc. |
Short bio |
Petr Hnětynka is an associate professor at the Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems, Charles University, Prague. He specializes in component-based and model-driven development and development of self-adaptive systems and (edge-)cloud systems. He has extensive experience from participation in EU and national projects in areas of adaptive and distributed systems. On these topics, he has published more than 70 peer-reviewed articles in international journals, conference proceedings, and book chapters. At the university level, he teaches courses on advanced programming. https://d3s.mff.cuni.cz/people/petrhnetynka/ |
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Tomáš Bureš is a full professor and the vice-chair of the Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems, Charles University, Prague. He specializes in dynamic architectures for collective self-adaptive system and software engineering for embedded, real-time systems and (edge-)cloud systems. He has a long experience with active participation and organization of contributions in EU projects targeting self-adaptive and dynamic systems. On these topics, he has published more than 130 peer-reviewed articles in international journals, conference proceedings, and book chapters. At the university level, he teaches courses on software engineering of embedded and dependable systems, model-driven development and modern programming languages. https://d3s.mff.cuni.cz/people/tomasbures/ |
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